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Grief, a universal, normal and natural response to loss, an emotion we all experience at some time in our lives. Grief can come in many forms, can last for some time and is very individual. It can be paralyzing, debilitating and it comes and goes at will and often at the most inopportune times. It can be triggered by a song, a sudden memory, a locale and in so many very individual ways. Each person’s grief journey is personal, can be very different from another who may be grieving the same individual. When we lose a loved one, we naturally grieve. UpliftedCare wants to help you on that grief journey.

Uplifted Grief - counseling group seated in circle

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One big step UpliftedCare, Founded as Hospice of Kankakee Valley, has taken in broadening our grief support is to create a dedicated, free-standing community grief center, designed/created just for you to help you on your grief journey. We have provided grief support for years and as it has expanded over the years, UpliftedCare saw the need for more space to accommodate the varied needs of the grieving in our service area. Because our grief services encompass all ages and the many aspects of grief support, that need became more and more evident thus The UpliftedCare Community Grief Center at the corner of Rt 102 and Career Center Road in Bourbonnais was created.

The UpliftedCare Community Grief Center offers a wide variety of opportunities for grief support for all ages in appropriate spaces and includes outdoor spaces as well. There is a healing garden, and a place to specifically honor our veterans, with a Tree of Life for memorial leaves just inside in the welcome center. It is even possible to provide cooking classes for people not accustomed to doing the cooking and for learning how to cook for one.

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The Grief Center is an amazing asset to the communities we serve and just another example of how UpliftedCare is committed to caring for all in need. ALL UpliftedCare grief services are absolutely FREE of charge, insurance is not billed, Medicare/Medicaid is not billed, all grief support services are completely FREE to all who utilize them. The Grief Center services are available to anyone within the UpliftedCare service area who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Grief support services can be easily accessed by calling 815-939-4141 and asking for the UpliftedCare Community Grief Center.

Uplifted Grief - man holding cane sitting on park bench


Follow along on our journey as we take a deeper dive into grief, what it is, who it affects, what we do to help process grief and how we intend to take that support to the next level.

Uplifted Grief support group talking in circle


UpliftedCare’s bereavement counselors are highly skilled and specially trained to assist those who have suffered a loss as they journey through the grief process.


Grief is a natural part of life when a loved one passes. Finding our way after a death may be difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. These resources may help the grief journey.

Uplifted Grief two sets of hands holding white mugs across table


Our bereavement team is available to speak with you about coping with loss. We’re also available to speak to groups about workplace grief and issues involving child grief.